Pvt. William Riley Milton Camp 741

Sons of Confederate Veterans

Volume 10      Commander Terry Binkley      Issue 7

Commander's Corner

Greetings Compatriots,

  I have just returned from the 2005 reunion in Nashville. Brigade Commander Harry Hurst, Sgt.-At-Arms Eddie Hurst, and myself, represented Camp 741 as delegates to the convention. We were very busy during our trip, with business meetings consuming most of our time, but we did have some free time to do some sight-seeing. I think the most important thing that we, (the SCV), did, was to secure the future of our beloved organization. The on-going power struggle that really came to a head in April, has been lanced in July! The elitists who would have taken over and made us an impotent, wimpy, book club, have been shown the will of the vast majority of the members, and that will is for us to be the vanguard of the defense of Confederate Heritage. There was a resolution put forth that not only the coup-plotters be expelled, but also anyone who had accepted positions from them. Cooler heads prevailed and the resolution was not accepted, due primarily to the efforts of PCIC Ron Wilson. I am not making this up, Ron Wilson, the man the “traditionalists” loved to hate, and was accused by them of being the epitome of what was wrong with the SCV, was the one who stepped up and urged that we not become vindictive in our victory, but rather extend the hand of friendship and reconciliation. I, personally, was for “cleaning house”, until Mr. Wilson spoke, and I heard the same sentiment expressed by many others afterwards. His words made me realize that we would lose many good men if we expelled everyone who had anything to do with the malcontents, including former AOT commander Tarry Beasley, whom I have met and spoken with on several occasions. Mr. Beasley is a good man with almost 40 years service to the SCV. I think he just got caught in the crossfire, and it would be to our detriment, were he expelled. It was estimated that we have spent over 100,000 dollars fighting amongst ourselves, that is foolishness gentlemen, just think what better use those funds could have been put to, fighting our common enemies, who have been sitting back laughing at us and hoping that we would devolve into an irrelevant book club. I have bad news for them. We will continue to be a force to be reckoned with and will become even more dangerous to them, now that we can give them our undivided attention.

  On a lighter note, we got to tour Elm Springs, our headquarters, also visited Gen. Forrest’s boyhood home, and Franklin, where Cdr. Larry Rowe of Camp 1709 (Geneva) did a living history presentation as Gen. Cleburne at the Carter House. Cdr. Keith Cornelius of Camp 1786 (Oxford), Eddie Hurst and me, went down to Murfreesboro and visited the battlefield there. It was a little disappointing due to the fact that there wasn’t really much to see and all the park service signs were oozing “political correctness”. All the monuments were to the invaders. All in all, it was a very productive and enjoyable reunion and one I think will go down in the history books of the SCV.



 If I ever disown, repudiate or apologise for the cause for which Lee fought and Jackson died, let the lightenings from Heaven rend me and the scorn of all good men and true women be my portion.  Sun, moon and stars all fall on me when I cease to love the Confederacy.  'Tis the cause, not the fate of the cause, that is glorious"-- Major R. E. Wilson, C.S.A.

Chaplain’s Chat

Our prayers are with Dun, Harriet and their families.  Here is an article from 2nd Lt. Cmdr. Jim Binkley Sr.

Practicing What We Preach!

We really should give some serious thought into what we say to other people and even more than that, we should especially be 
careful what we promise to do for other people!! If we tell someone we're going to do this or that, then they are expecting us to 
do what we said we would!!  To do less than that, is tantamount to a lie and then people start to thinking that perhaps we lie about 
a lot of things!!
Most everyone wants to be liked by their peers and most people will give you the benefit of the doubt, but if we consistently 
neglect what we've said or don't keep the promises that we've made, then pretty soon, we will start to lose them as friends and 
they will not have any confidence in anything that we say!!!
Remember if its important enough for someone to ask you to do something for them, then it should be important enough for you 
to remember to do it, if you've made a commitment to!!!
If you can't do something for whatever reason, then just be honest and say "I'm sorry, but I can't do it at this time", but ask me 
Have a great day and remember the cause!!!
2nd. Lt. Commander Jim Binkley
Assistant Chaplain
SCV  ---- Camp 741

Confederate Veteran

Intended Honor To A Confederate Negro


  The Constitution prints an interesting story of Amos Rucker, a noted old negro of Atlanta. An accepted “street rumor” that Amos was dead, created widespread expressions of sorrow. There was good reason for the esteem in which the old negro was held.

  In the beginning of the war, in 1862, Col. Rucker and a son went to the war, and with them went Amos.

  “Somehow, it mattered not how the commissary was depleted, Amos was ever ready to serve a meal to his masters and to his masters’ friends. Never, in those days when freedom was only a few hundred yards away, just across the divide between the two armies, did Amos forget he was a negro, except when fighting was going on. Then, taking up a gun dropped by a soldier who had died fighting, he took that soldier’s place in the battle line and did his best. A crippled leg and a red scar in his left breast now bear testimony to the fact that Amos Rucker was a soldier, tried and found to be brave.”

  “When rumors reached the city that Rucker was dead, initial steps were taken for his funeral. Pallbearers were selected and orders were issued for the veterans of the city to attend the funeral in a body Wednesday afternoon. The pallbearers selected were ex-Governor Candler, Gen. A.J. West, F.A. Hilburn, member of the city council; J. Sid Holland, member of the Aldermanic Board; Judge W. Lowndes Calhoun, ex-Mayor of Atlanta; Dr. Amos Fox, a member of the Board of Police Commissioners and ex-postmaster—each being a Confederate Veteran. Dr. Holderby was to have preached the funeral. The body was to have been escorted to South View by the Atlanta Camps of Confederate Veterans.”

  “The only hitch in the arrangements was that Amos was not dead. When the driver of the undertaker’s wagon, which had been sent to Rucker’s home, near Atlanta University, was approaching the home, the driver almost dropped from his seat when he observed, just in front of him, Amos Rucker walking into the city.




"Remembrance Book"

This month’s ancestor is Pvt. Andrew E. Wade, the ancestor of Compatriots Tommy and William Carlisle.  Andrew was born Dec. 15, 1840 in Georgia.  Andrew Wade moved with his family to Linden in Sumter County, Florida in 1857. He enlisted in Capt. David Hughes, Company K of the 1st Florida Cavalry Regiment (later Infantry) January 10th, 1862.

In the spring of 1862, the 1st Regiment Florida Cavalry received orders to go north to Chattanooga, Tenn.  On leaving Florida, all but three of the 1st’s companies voluntarily dismounted, including Co. K, to become infantry throughout the remainder of the war.  Pvt. Wade was captured at the Battle of Chattanooga at Missionary Ridge on November 23rd of 1863 and arrived at Rock Island Prison on December 3, 1863.  The prison was located the middle of the Mississippi River, near Moline, Illinois.  The prison, built in mid-1863, received its first prisoners, 5,592 in all, captured at Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge.  Rock Island Prison was considered by some to be the “Andersonville” of the north.  On the day of the Confederate prisoners’ arrival, the temperature dipped to 32 degrees below zero with 94 of their number already suffering from smallpox and the entire group having been exposed.  Undoubtedly, this was a terrible time for all.  Pvt. Wade had received an injury to his back from a fall during the forced march over the Cumberland Mountains en route to Rock Island.  The injury caused weakness to all his limbs and especially his left hip and leg, which would never entirely heal.

Pvt. Andrew Wade was able to endure the privations as a prisoner of war at Rock Island for over a year, when in early 1865 he was chosen for prisoner exchange in Richmond.  After his exchange on Feb. 15th, 1865, he was admitted to Richmond’s hospitals in March, 1865.  He was later given furlough to return home for a time.

He remained at home in Linden, Sumter County, on furlough when the end of the war came and was mustered out April 26, 1865.

Andrew E. Wade, now a private citizen, lived the rest of his life in Linden, Sumter County, Florida.  He now resides in the Linden Cemetery, where he will continue to stand guard as one of the righteous of heaven.  Private Andrew E. Wade, we will never forget!

Our Camp



Next Meeting:   First WEDNESDAY, Aug. 3rd, at the 5th Street Charhouse in Leesburg, FL.! Due to the summer schedule of the 5th Street Charhouse we will meet on the 1st Wed. through the summer.

Located at 114 S. 5th St. between Magnolia and Main St. in downtown Leesburg.  6 P.M. Supper, 7 P.M. Call to Order.  Everyone seems to like the new location!  Plenty of parking at the bank across the street.  Guests are always welcome!