Empire Church Cemetery
Groveland, FL
Directions: From Groveland, take route 33 south to Anderson St. county Rd 2-1317. Turn right- go to stop sign at T intersection, turn left on to Empire Rd (co. road 2-1213) - continue south on Empire Road to Cemetery. It is 4.2 miles from the route 33 intersection.
Name | Rank | Unit | Born | Died |
Carlton, Stephen S. A. J. W. | Pvt. | Co. A, 7th Fla. Inf. | 1835 | 12/9/1914 |
Cooper, Joseph S. | ?? | CSA | ?? | 1909 |
Drawdy, Hezekiah B. | Pvt. | Callahan Co. A Regt. 1st Fla. Cav. | 1846 | 1915 |
Lee, James | Pvt. | Camble's Arty Fla. Regt. | 1835 | 1892 |
Lee, Jesse | Pvt. | Co. E, 10th Fla. Inf. | 1834 | 1918 |
Revells, William E. | Pvt. | Co. A, 10th Fla. Inf. | 1824 | ?? |
Tison, Simeon | Pvt. | Co. H, 4th Ga. Cav. | 1829 | 1919 |