Empire Church Cemetery

Groveland, FL

Directions: From Groveland, take route 33 south to Anderson St. county Rd 2-1317. Turn right- go to stop sign at T intersection, turn left on to Empire Rd (co. road 2-1213) - continue south on Empire Road to Cemetery. It is 4.2 miles from the route 33 intersection.

Name Rank Unit Born Died
Carlton, Stephen S. A. J. W. Pvt. Co. A, 7th Fla. Inf. 1835 12/9/1914
Cooper, Joseph S. ?? CSA ?? 1909
Drawdy, Hezekiah B. Pvt. Callahan Co. A Regt. 1st Fla. Cav. 1846 1915
Lee, James Pvt. Camble's Arty Fla. Regt. 1835 1892
Lee, Jesse Pvt. Co. E, 10th Fla. Inf. 1834 1918
Revells, William E. Pvt. Co. A, 10th Fla. Inf. 1824 ??
Tison, Simeon Pvt. Co. H, 4th Ga. Cav. 1829 1919



