Pvt. William Riley Milton Camp 741
Sons of Confederate Veterans
Florida Division
Tavares, Florida
"To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we submit the vindication of the Cause for which we fought; to your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier's good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles he loved and which made him glorious and which you also cherish. Remember, it is your duty to see that the true history of the South is presented to future generations."
Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee
Commander General
United Confederate Veterans, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1906
Camp Contact
If heading N on 441 turn left on West Guava St. one block North of the intersection of 441 and 466.
Community Bldg is just past the Lady Lake Library on the right on Guava St.
Camp Links
Request a Living History Program for:
School,Class, Group or Assoc.
Umatilla's Cracker Christmas Parade
President Jefferson Davis Birthday
Picnic (early June)
Confederate Memorial Day
(late April, on a Monday)
Eustis's George Washington Birthday
Cemetery Grave Marker and Flag Project
Lee-Jackson Ball (in
January every year)
Remembrance Book ~ Honoring Our Confederate
Remembrance Book II ~ Stories and photos of Lake
Confederate Veterans
Lake County, FL Cemeteries ~
Confederate Veteran's
locations, unit, birth/death information, Pension Application
File numbers with link to photocopy of actual applications!
An address by Col. Richard Henry Lee
- 1893
Were Blacks “Forced to Fight” for the
Confederacy? by Vernon R. Padgett, Ph.D.
"Ideals Of The Old South,"
by Rev. Dr. James H. McNeilly, D.D., Nashville,
Other Important S.C.V. Links
JOIN THE SCV TODAY! Eligibility,
application form, etc.
Florida Confederate Pension Application
National Sons of Confederate Veterans
Sons of Confederate Veterans, Florida
Order of the Confederate Rose, Florida
United Daughters of the Confederacy-
National Headquarters
United Daughters of the Confederacy-
Marion Dragoons Chapter 2311, Ocala, Fl.
Updated June 22, 2020
Primary Camp E-Mail Contact: Private William Riley Milton E-Mail
Camp Mailing Address: Pvt. W. R. Milton Camp #741
of Confederate Veterans
P.O. Box 771074, Ocala, FL 34477